Top 10 Things to Bring to a Burner Festival

Burning Man Festival is an experience like no other. It’s different for everyone who goes and changes every year. But it is still one of those festivals that cannot be missed. Traveling in style, in Burner Friendly RV rental that is, isn’t a must but it provides some creature comforts to the experience, that by the end of the week, you’ll be dreaming of.

RV’ing at a Festival? Here are some “must-have” items:

WATER! - You can never have too much water. From the water, you need to drink, to the elusive water for a shower, to the lemon water needed to clean out all of that Playa dust. The lemon in the water will help with the alkaline in the dust and your skin will love it. More is better.

Hide-a-Key - If you’re traveling with more then just yourself, have a hide a key hidden somewhere on your RV is handy to have. That way people can come and go without the worry of losing a key or not having enough keys for everyone.

Shade - Even if you have a generator and air conditioning there’s nothing like sitting outside in the shade and enjoying the buzz around you and meeting new people. But make sure it’s sound enough to stand against those high winds!

Ziplock Bags - it’s always nice to have some fresh clean clothes to drive home in. Plus don’t forget to keep your electronics (phone, camera, etc) safe from the dust, along with prepared meals.

Garbage Bags - Remember that the Burner Festival runs on a ‘what you bring you leave with’ campaign. So when packing don’t forget to bring things that can either be cleaned and reused or burned, otherwise you’ll be driving out with more trash then your RV can carry.

Medical Kit and Extra Toilet Paper (1ply) - From stepping on rebar to just being plain clumsy, it’s important to stock up a medical kit. Extra toilet paper is a must as well, put together a personal washroom pack for when you are out adventuring as the port-a-potties always run out.

Bike and Lights (for yourself and your bike) - The Black Rock Desert becomes a small city, with last year holding over 65,000 people. Covering that distance by foot isn’t practical. Bring along a cheap bike to help you travel. And lights! It gets dark, I mean really dark. Help everyone out by attaching lights to yourself and your bike to prevent collisions.

Dust Cover for Your Bed - As much as you may try dust will be EVERYWHERE. Bringing a dust cover for your bed will help keep the dust down when you are sleeping. Even an extra sheet to cover your bedding will do wonders.

Oil for Your Generator - Either you or someone around you will run out of oil, it’s guaranteed. So why not bring some extra just in case.

Solar Power - Save your generator and use as much solar power as possible to run your necessities. Every little bit helps to keep our lovely planet clean.

Last but not least, remember to have fun and keep your mind open to all the wonderful possibilities that the festival provides.