You’ve bought your ticket to Burning Man, you’ve rented a Burner Friendly RV rental or are bringing your own motorhome, you’ve stocked your food, water, costumes, and gifts and are ready to head out on the road. Heading out into the desert to this amazing event is an experience not to be missed. However, on the way home, there are a few tips and tricks to make the cleanup process far less painful.

What to know before you head out:
If you’ve never been to a Burner event, a good first times guide can be found on Living for a week in the desert has its challenges, go prepared and life at your first burn will be that much more fun.
Solar power is the way to go. It’s hot and sunny in the desert, with the exception of those sand storms. Running a generator burns fuel and is a noisy neighbor. Plus power makes a few things a bit easier to navigate around.
It’s unbelievably dark in BRC. Lighting up your RV so that you can see it on your way back to your home base is priceless.
Keeping Cool
The desert temperatures often reach above 100 degrees and there is no offer of any shade aside from what you make yourself. Here are a few great tips for keeping cool in extreme heat.
Make sure you have enough fuel to get into and out of the Burner Festival. Also, take into consideration fuel for the generator (just in case). There have been reports of people waiting in the line-up to get in for upwards of 9 hours! So go prepared. Also, fill your tank on your way out of Reno. The closer you get to BRC the longer the line is for gas. And the wait becomes insane.
Seal the Dust Out
The alkaline dust found at the Playa can damage everything it touches. It has a talcum powder consistency and gets EVERYWHERE. Using painters tape to tape up all seams in your RV is key. It won’t keep all of the dust-out, but it’s far better than using nothing at all. Sealing up a fresh set of clothes for the drive home is glorious.
The festival recommends a vinegar-based cleaning solution to clean everything right away. From your clothes to your vehicle. Here are a few of their tips for cleaning out the dust. Make sure to use an air compressor to blow the dust from the engine (as the dust will lead to corrosion), wash the entire outside and vacuum up on the inside as soon as you possibly can. If you opt to visit a self-service bay, make sure to find one that your RV can fit into. In Reno, this one is great. On the flip side, you can always pay a professional to clean your motorhome as well. They may charge a bit extra for the extra deep clean, but it’s well worth it.
In the end, remember to have fun, enjoy the experience, and open yourself up to new adventures.
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Tags: burner friendly rv rental, motorhome rental, rv rental